Aim of activity In this activity, the facilitator will present an online workshop provided by a digital youth worker that shows how TikTok can be a great tool to engage young people in youth work settings: Recommendation for the facilitator: the video as a total duration of 20minutes. If you think that it might be too long to present in a faceto-face or blended training activity, you can only show the video starting at 13:00min. Then, you can ask learners to analyse how they can create a TikTok account by watching the whole video at home. Materials Required for Activity List here all of the materials and equipment required by the trainer to deliver this activity to youth workers Step-by-step instructions After presenting the videos, it is recommended that the facilitator asks the following questions, in order to promote group discussion: • What are the benefits and challenges of using Tiktok in youth work settings? • Do you think that social media platforms like TikTok bring innovation and fun to the youth work practice? • Do you think that TikTok will be useful to reach young people for youth work practice?