
Step-by-step instructions Step 1 The facilitator will play the case study video on the USA’s approach to drug use: Step 2 The facilitator will instruct youth workers to answer the following questions: ● What is the “War on Drugs? ● What are the negative consequences of criminalising drug possession? ● Does putting people with substance use disorders in prison help treat their drug and alcohol use? ● How can imprisoning people for drug possession negatively affect their lives after serving their sentence? ● So far, billions have been spent on this “War on Drugs” by incarcerating millions of people every day for drug use and possession. Can you think of other ways this money could be spent that could help reduce the suffering from substance use disorders? ● What message does this criminal justice led approach to drug use send to people with substance use disorders? Step 3 The facilitator will play the case study on Portugal’s approach to drug use: Step 4 The facilitator will ask youth workers the following questions: ● What is the difference between legalising and decriminalising drugs? ● What are the benefits of embracing a health-first approach to drug use? ● Portugal spends 90% of their money used to fight drug abuse on healthcare, and 10% on enforcement. How does this compare to the USA?