
Implementation of Interactive Infographics in Youth Work Practice  The facilitator will move to slides 26-32 which will cover the following areas: - QR Codes as Micro-Learning for Drug Awareness - Why use Micro-Learning in Youth Work? - Tips when using DATE resources in Youth Group - Micro-learning statistics - How to use Interactive Infographics in youth work setting - Why use DATE interactive infographics? 30  Workshop 3: Introduction to Compendium of Interactive Infographics PPT presentation, activity sheets and SDL learning resources  Projector  Internet connection  Laptop or PC Participants will engage in all group activities Closing of Workshop 3 The facilitator will end the workshop by thanking the participants for listening, and if there are no further questions, the facilitator will end Workshop 3 and provide learners with the self-directed learning activities for Workshop 3 to complete in their own time. 10  Workshop 3: Introduction to Compendium of Interactive Infographics PPT presentation, activity sheets and SDL learning resources  Projector  Internet connection  Laptop or PC Participants will engage in all group activities